
Tags are not taking into account after an `Example` block

Opened this issue · 2 comments

In the case given bellow the skip tag is not apply to the second scenario.

Feature: Bug example
  This is the minimal example to reproduce the bug

  Scenario Outline: Should run
    Given the characters "<characters>"
    When they are counted
    Then the expected result is <result>

      | characters | result |
      | abc        | 294    |

  Scenario: Should not run (but does)
    Given the characters "abc"
    When they are counted
    Then the expected result is 294

Note that the following works properly:

Feature: Tags working properlly
  Show that the problem is only encountered after Example block

  Scenario: Should run
    Given the characters "abc"
    When they are counted
    Then the expected result is 294

  Scenario: Should not run
    Given the characters "abc"
    When they are counted
    Then the expected result is 294

Here is a repo with the examples given:

Thanks for this, I'll get this sorted