
Date not cycling properly

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This is similar to this error however, I have a code where we duplicate the values from a previous date-paired object, I then reinitialize the datepair script, however my error occurs when I change the start date. When I change the start date, the end date duplicates the same day, rather than +1, despite the time being the next day.

Here's my code that I use
$(".dates").datepair('remove'); $("form[data-shift-count='"+(form_id+1)+"'] .new_indiv_shift_single_location").val(loc_val).trigger('change'); $("form[data-shift-count='"+(form_id+1)+"'] .new_indiv_shift_single_employee_req").val(emp_val).trigger('change'); $("form[data-shift-count='"+(form_id+1)+"'] .date.start").val(ds_val).trigger('change'); $("form[data-shift-count='"+(form_id+1)+"'] .date.end").val(de_val).trigger('change'); $("form[data-shift-count='"+(form_id+1)+"'] .time.start").val(ts_val).trigger('change'); $("form[data-shift-count='"+(form_id+1)+"'] .time.end").val(te_val).trigger('change'); $("form[data-shift-count='"+(form_id+1)+"'] .caller").val(cal_val).trigger('change'); $("form[data-shift-count='"+(form_id+1)+"'] .comments").val(com_val).trigger('change'); $(".dates").datepair();

What's happening here is im creating a new object through javascript, and inputting values from the previous form into the new created object. Everything works perfectly, EXCEPT when I change the new element's start date, and the re-initialized datepair does not recognize that the end-time is into the next day.
I hope this makes sense, I for some reason cannot make a fiddle.

I think removing the script and then initializing it again is what causes this error.

I wish I could help - this is complicated enough that I need to see a working example in order to debug.

In the jsfiddle it looks like the inputs are all being placed into one div. Datepair.js needs the inputs to be grouped into separate containers. Here we see 'getTime' error in the console log when applying to separate containers