
Event not found

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hello, I tried your script but I get the following error:

bash: !asfLdzLnOdGRkdPZWu: event not found

That room ID is just a dummy one (from your example) and yes I used the original room ID I intended to.

Is this method outdated? Since I don't see /_matrix/client/r0 in the URL.

Instead I see this:!

I haven't used this in a while, but in principle this should still work, as the API is still the same (see spec). However, I would suggest using the new /roomnick command instead (see PR).

If you are still interested in debugging this, where do you see this:

Instead I see this:!

This method communicates directly with a matrix homeserver and thus should be independent of Riot.

/roomnick command works.
I see the https URL in the address bar.

Can you please try your script again and see if it still works?

I just tried it for myself, it still works for me. I suppose you have to quote the room name, because the exclamation mark ! is a special character in bash.

Did you mean room "ID" instead of room "name" ?
If yes, then yes I quoted the room ID and still find the same bash: [room ID]: event not found error.

You know what worked! Escaping the !.

You just need a backslash before the exclamation mark. \!

Maybe you did put the backslash in the example command but it got escaped too. 😅

And one more thing, you don't need to quote the room ID, just escape the !.

So the whole command that worked for me is:

./set_displayname \! "John Doe" "" [password]

And thanks for the script ^^.

Yes, I meant the room ID. Glad, that you got the script to work! Actually, it also works with quoting, but you need to use single quotes instead of double ones. I use fish-shell where the exclamation mark is no special character that's why it worked for me.