
Will systemd-resolve get in the way?

thedarb opened this issue · 3 comments

My standard Ubuntu systems (20.04 - 22.04) all came configured with systemd-resolve parked on the DNS port (53):

$ sudo netstat -lpn | grep ":53 "
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      710/systemd-resolve 
udp        0      0 *                           710/systemd-resolve 

I'm thinking if I want to run this as a Docker container, I might need to set it up with it's own IP on my lan for this. I suppose I could disable systemd-resolv, but I don't yet know the implications of trying that. Thoughts?

Nevermind. :)

In the interest of avoiding "nevermind, I fixed it" syndrome here:

Yes, it does interfere, and the solution is either to update the listen option in config.cfg to bind to a specific IP address (such as, or the public IP of your box), or set DNSStubListener=no in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf to stop systemd from listening on that port. (And manually update the resolv.conf symlink if you're running systemd <v246.)

Yep, binding it to did it for me. Ubuntu 22.04. Thank you.