
Certificate maintenance routine not working with v1.0 release

p3l1 opened this issue · 0 comments

p3l1 commented

In the latest version of the Docker Image v1.0 the automatical aquiring of a Let's Encrypt certificate is not working. There is no error thrown or any hint on why this is happening.

I used the same configuration with the v0.8 release, where everything is working.

listen = ""
protocol = "both4"
domain = ""
nsname = ""
nsadmin = ""
records = [
    " A",
    " NS",

debug = true

# Database engine to use, sqlite3 or postgres
engine = "postgres"
connection = "postgres://acme:password@database/acme?sslmode=disable"

ip = ""
disable_registration = false
port = "443"
# possible values: "letsencrypt", "letsencryptstaging", "cert", "none"
tls = "letsencrypt"
# only used if tls = "letsencrypt"
acme_cache_dir = "api-certs"
notification_email = ""
corsorigins = [
use_header = false
header_name = "X-Forwarded-For"

loglevel = "debug"
logtype = "stdout"
logformat = "json"

Log Output v0.8 directly after starting with this configuration:

acme-dns    | time="2022-09-04T22:13:33Z" level=info msg="2022/09/04 22:13:33 [INFO][cache:0xc000124550] Started certificate maintenance routine"

For v1.0 there is no entry regarding the certificate maintenance routine. When trying to access the API via HTTPS the following error appears:

acme-dns    | time="2022-09-04T22:29:02Z" level=info msg="http: TLS handshake error from no certificate available for ''"

Any idea whats happening?