JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL Table 'foo_weblinks' doesn't exist
grantiago opened this issue · 1 comments
error Table 'foo_weblinks' doesn't exist
JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL Table 'xxx_weblinks' doesn't exist
after updating from joomla 3 to joomla 4. all running as expected.
notification to upgrade weblinks through the joomla updater. error
I also tried a fresh install from the zip file pkg-weblinks-4.0.1.zip
same error
Weblinks Extension Package Joomla! installed 3.9.0 -- available 4.0.1
the foo_extensions table;
name | type| element
mod_weblinks | module | mod_weblinks
plg_search_weblinks | plugin | weblinks
plg_finder_weblinks | plugin | weblinks
pkg_weblinks | package | pkg_weblinks
plg_system_weblinks | plugin | weblinks
plg_editors-xtd_weblink | plugin | weblink
Expected result - update success
Actual result JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL Table 'xxx_weblinks' doesn't exist
Extension installation aborted.
Package Update: There was an error installing an extension: com_weblinks.zip
System information (as much as possible)
in the database maintenance:
Table 'foo.gja12_weblinks' doesn't exist ×
Warning There are tables not up to date!
com_weblinksCOM_WEBLINKS_XML_DESCRIPTION | Administrator | Component | One Problem
Database Type | mysql
Database Version 5.7.38-0ubuntu0.18.04.1-log
collation utf8_general_ci
php version: 7.4.30
Joomla! 4.1.5 Stable [ Kuamini ] 21-June-2022 14:00 GMT
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Additional comments.
just updated from j3 to j4. I didn't, don't remember, removing those tables. shouldn't there be an if doesn't exist create in the sql statement?
Never mind. I fixed it by copying the table from another joomla install.