

Closed this issue · 5 comments

nibra commented

Existing Solutions

Currently, a lot of tools (partially) implementing this idea are emerging.

Some design guidelines (iOS, Material, ...) contain element definitions, that might be re-used here. A collection of such guidelines was published by Design Guidelines.

Initial Attempt to Produce Visible Output

PR #117 adds page handling. It uses the data structures of the PageBuilder (which's GUI still is to be created).


Note: Be sure to run composer install after checkout!

The PR includes a primitive installer, that resolves relations between entities and builds up the database. The following command deletes the database and the compiled entity definitions, and rebuilds them:

$ ./

This step is currently only needed before the first run, and when you manually add data records to the extensions' sample data.

Run the Demo

The installation is designed to be run using docker-compose:

$ docker-compose up -d

In your browser, head to http://localhost:8080/index.php and pick an item from the menu, or go to http://localhost:8080/index.php/admin/pagebuilder to see a (not yet functional) prototype of the PageBuilder.

However, currently only the web container is used, so you should be able to run the demo without docker-compose, if you have a web server installed and your source directory is accessible for it.

Enitities and Elements

Since both are called ContentTypes from time to time, it is necessary to distinuish those two.
Entities mostly respond to database records. Elements are components of a page, and thus subject for layout and styling.

PR #117 added basic elements, like image or headline, as well as 'active' elements, like slider or accordion. The PageBuilder itself delivers an example of a custom element, the TemplateSelector. It shows how you can compose your custom elements from the existing elements.

Yootheme Pro - A new player in the Pagebuilder / Websitebuilder Market. Not released yet.

nibra commented

Thank you, @ufuk-avcu, added it to the list.

One of the more impressive examples not on the list is 'JA Builder' from Joomlart (still in beta)...

Online Demo:

nibra commented

Thank you, @ciar4n, added it to the list.

nibra commented

Moved to Projects page