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nibra commented

Channel Dependant Renderers

Each possible output channel might require its own output format. The Accept: header is used to determine the requested format. For channels without such a header, like CLI, a fake header is created.

The Accept: header contains a MIME type. The MIME types are assigned to Renderers using an editable map.

  • MIME Mapping
  • JSON Renderer
  • XML Renderer
  • Plain Text Renderer
  • HTML Renderer

Script Strategies

The HTML Renderer supports script strategies, i.e., classes that abstract JavaScript libraries.

  • Plain, i.e., no JavaScript
  • Vanilla JavaScript
  • Bootstrap 4, see #82


Some Renderers, like HTML, will need a templating system.

  • Define Templating, see #100
  • Define default List View, see #103
  • Define default Detail View, see #102
  • Define default Form View, see #104

Possible Enhancements

These things could be beneficial; they are up to discussion.

  • Jason lets you instantly turn any data, website, or API into your own custom app. It would require its own Renderer.