
Status of beez3 in Joomla 4?

zero-24 opened this issue · 7 comments

Should beez3 removed as well as hathor or stay in joomla 4?

I don't think either frontend template stays in J4. The question really should be whether we ship multiple templates or not.

Hathor's already on the dump list since it's essentially been broken since 3.0 released and is actually less accessible (from what I've heard) than Isis is now.

So there is currently no decision on that? beez3 is mostly broken as well ;)

Hathor was pretty much a "just do it" pull request. I'm not so sure if anyone's discussed front-end templates but at this point I'd assume that Beez3 and Protostar (and even Isis) won't be present in any form once v4 starts taking shape.

ok so the J4 team let us know if there is the time to do that pulls ;)

If half of what we discussed in the sprint is implemented neither Protostar nor Beez3 will make any sense. We'll need a different kind of template.

As for the back-end template I suspect we'll have to refactor it, not start from scratch. It depends on what the UX team comes up with in the following months.

nibra commented

The current templates will have to work using the LegacyRenderer (don't know yet how, but the 'little pain' paradigma demands it).

However, they will surely not be shipped with 4.0.