[2.x] Indention Issues With Closures
mbabker opened this issue · 9 comments
See https://travis-ci.org/joomla/jissues/jobs/273897032 for reference
Basically, indents for control structures aren't being handled correctly in Closures
possibly related to this issue squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer#1580
Here is a case that is failing from the CMS administrator\components\com_installer\models\languages.php
The sniff that is at issue is Joomla.ControlStructures.ControlStructuresBrackets.SpaceBeforeBrace
// Sort the array by value of subarray
function($a, $b) use ($that)
$ordering = $that->getState('list.ordering');
if (strtolower($that->getState('list.direction')) === 'asc')
return StringHelper::strcmp($a->$ordering, $b->$ordering);
return StringHelper::strcmp($b->$ordering, $a->$ordering);
Current result of the sniff
// Sort the array by value of subarray
function($a, $b) use ($that)
$ordering = $that->getState('list.ordering');
if (strtolower($that->getState('list.direction')) === 'asc')
return StringHelper::strcmp($a->$ordering, $b->$ordering);
return StringHelper::strcmp($b->$ordering, $a->$ordering);
Another CMS case from plugins\system\sef\sef.php where Joomla.ControlStructures.ControlStructuresBrackets.SpaceBeforeBrace fails on closures
$buffer = preg_replace_callback(
function ($match) use ($base, $protocols)
preg_match_all('#(?:[^\s]+)\s*(?:[\d\.]+[wx])?(?:\,\s*)?#i', $match[1], $matches);
foreach ($matches[0] as &$src)
$src = preg_replace('#^(?!/|' . $protocols . '|\#|\')(.+)#', $base . '$1', $src);
return ' srcset="' . implode($matches[0]) . '"';
Current result from sniff
$buffer = preg_replace_callback(
function ($match) use ($base, $protocols)
preg_match_all('#(?:[^\s]+)\s*(?:[\d\.]+[wx])?(?:\,\s*)?#i', $match[1], $matches);
foreach ($matches[0] as &$src)
$src = preg_replace('#^(?!/|' . $protocols . '|\#|\')(.+)#', $base . '$1', $src);
return ' srcset="' . implode($matches[0]) . '"';
I've done a little digging here. seems the issue might stem from our reliance on $tokens[$stackPtr]['level']
at line 176 to determine the expected indent for the scope opening brace.
I propose we remove this portion of our rule and rely on the following parts of the ruleset that also cover this indenting
note: Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent reports in tabs as expected.
I wonder what the overlap is and if we can eliminate some sniffs so there is no duplication in the checks.
This might be covered by the same, but will this also cover PHP 7 anonymous classes, i.e. from com_code?
Yes, I believe it should as I included T_ANON_CLASS
for Anonymous classes in the conditional for the fix.
Just did a test locally, seems to be good. I'll throw a test together.