
[4.2] webclient user agents

david19161 opened this issue · 10 comments

Steps to reproduce the issue

Somehow! set your user agent to "Chrome Privacy Preserving Prefetch Proxy"

Expected result

no warnings

Actual result

Undefined array key 1 in libraries/vendor/joomla/application/src/Web/WebClient.php on line 439

System information (as much as possible)

joomla 4.2.6
php 8.0.23

Additional comments

seeing a lot of these in the php error log.
its obvious why, there is no "/" in the user agent string

Something seems to be wrong with your testing instructions. Line 439 is surrounded by

elseif (stripos($userAgent, 'Chrome') !== false)


but there is no Chrome in your UserAgent string.

For reference:

As far as I see Google never adds the string Chrome/W.X.Y.Z to Feedfetcher user agents or just Chrome.

It looks like somebody is visiting your site with a badly faked user agent. Block them!

Or do I miss something?

corrected instructions

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at

user agent is "Chrome Privacy Preserving Prefetch Proxy"

This comment was created with the J!Tracker Application at

Maybe a solution could be:

elseif (stripos($userAgent, 'Chrome/') !== false)

The correct repository for this issue is

I'm out.

can I work on this issue?

alikon commented

there is no need to ask, please submit your pull request


Like said in #39637 (comment) it's not the joomla-cms repository here but joomla-framework. See joomla-framework/application#112 there.

Rartg commented

Add a "/" to the end of the user agent string.
Update the version of Joomla or PHP to ensure compatibility with the user agent string.

Closing this here as a relevant issue has been created in the upstream library