
Post max_file_size limit

aschaefferfr opened this issue · 3 comments


I noticed that Joomla doesn't handle the error when a user try to upload a large file through the media manager.

I don't want tochange the setting of PHP in order to allow larger file to be uploaded. My wish is that Joomla warns the user that the file is too large.

the max_file_size limit of Apache

It's the first time, I report a bug. If I'm not used to the process of it. If I did something wrong, please don't hit me ;) (and tell me how to improve my bug report).

Here's my Joomla version:
Joomla! Version Joomla! 2.5.7 Stable [ Ember ] 13-September-2012 14:00 GMT
Joomla! Platform Version Joomla Platform 11.4.0 Stable [ Brian Kernighan ] 03-Jan-2012 00:00 GMT

Thanks in advance.

@aschaefferfr I promise, no hitting! Do you have some proposed code to change? Or do you need someone else to figure out that code?

Thank you for your answer.

I tried to give it a shot, but I'm not a master in PHP and I didn't find where the upload is handled.... I will continue to have a look a little bit. If I don't find anything, if someone else could have a look, it would be nice.

Hi @aschaefferfr, I think your suggestion is sound, but if I'm not mistaken this is really just a messaging problem in the UI which could/should be handled by the CMS. Have you discussed it with the JBS or posted the issue in the CMS tracker by chance?

I'm going to close this and redirect you to the CMS crew for fixing the problem, but if something comes up where the platform is making this problem difficult to solve we'll revisit it then. Thanks a bunch!