Can not overwrite existing field.
zsinryu opened this issue · 2 comments
At "load" function, $replace = true.
public function load($data, $replace = true, $xpath = false)
$addeddom = $olddom->ownerDocument->importNode($loadeddom);
We can not import child nodes <option> like
<field name="fieldname" type="list" default="0" label="FIELD_LABEL" description="FIELD_DESC">
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
DOMNode DOMDocument::importNode ( DOMNode $importedNode [, bool $deep ] )
So, in the result, the new field does not contains any option.
Please fix this.
Is this an issue you are having in the CMS? Would you send this to the cms along with instructions on specifically how to reproduce the error? THanks
I'm sorry but we aren't accepting issues for this repository any more. Please see for how to report and issue for the CMS Platform.