No agents visible although characters clearly interacting.
ferencdv opened this issue · 2 comments
I am running the code on a Windows machine. I had all the same problems as others have had, fixed the depreciated davinci model issue, movement folder issue etc, but I still see no agents/sprites/characters on the graphical map at all. However, I clearly see that on the terminal that the characters are interacting so that part of the simulations are not the problem. Any help is appreciated.
If you run your simulation on Chrome, you can use the arrow keys to move around the map. Since the characters are spread out, it is hard to see everyone at the same time.
If you run your simulation on Chrome, you can use the arrow keys to move around the map. Since the characters are spread out, it is hard to see everyone at the same time.
We actually can see our characters on a map just fine but they are stand still and not moving on a map at all. We are not that dumb to not trying different browsers and arrow keys on our keyboard though.
P.S: Plus we can make our map large to see more:
“environment\frontend_server\templates\home\main_script.html“ change like this, which will show the whole image.
// Phaser 3.0 global settings.
// Configuration meant to be passed to the main Phaser game instance.
// const config = {
// type: Phaser.AUTO,
// width: 1500,
// height: 800,
// parent: "game-container",
// pixelArt: true,
// physics: {
// default: "arcade",
// arcade: {
// gravity: { y: 0 } } },
// scene: {
// preload: preload,
// create: create,
// update: update } };
const config = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
width: 4480,
height: 3200,
parent: "game-container",
pixelArt: true,
physics: {
default: "arcade",
arcade: {
gravity: { y: 0 } } },
scene: {
preload: preload,
create: create,
update: update },
scale: {zoom: 0.5} };