Run a command using sudo, prompting the user with an OS dialog if necessary.
- afc163Alipay
- allencodedAllen Hendricks
- Au1st3inStevens Institute of Technology
- cheahkhing
- claygriffiths@gravitywiz
- davej@todesktop
- DonJayamanne@microsoft
- epezhmanMunich, Germany
- ezekg@keygen-sh
- facekapow
- faraomanEL.Com S.r.l.
- fijimunkiiNYC
- ghostbar@foxcorp
- github-bdemVA
- inxilpro@InterNACHI
- jhermsmeierGermany
- jincdreamGuangZhou
- jonathanluriemaptiler
- JuoCode
- KaiserYChina
- kanatzidisYum! Brands
- ledinhphuongHo Chi Minh city, Vietnam
- leftstickUntitled
- llh911001
- matus-saboBratislava, Slovakia
- maximalism2OpenBet
- nelsonrLisboa, Portugal
- nfrasser@cryoem-uoft
- NguyenTrungTin
- ojsmi
- pablomaurerBasel
- samykopenpath security
- sgarbesiDolox Inc.
- small-touchina
- taopp
- yildizberkay@Hotjar