
Toy CPU is an 8 bit toy CPU for the Tiny Tapeout project.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Toy CPU is an 8 bit toy CPU for the Tiny Tapeout project.

I/O Interface

# Input Output
0 clk data_out[0]
1 rst data_out[1]
2 instruction[0] data_out[2]
3 instruction[1] data_out[3]
4 instruction[2] data_out[4]
5 instruction[3] data_out[5]
6 instruction[4] data_out[6]
7 instruction[5] data_out[7]


Opcode Mnemonic Name Description
000 DISP Display data_out = reg[src_a]
001 ADD Add reg[dest] = reg[src_a] + reg[src_b]
010 ADD_I Add (immediate) reg[dest] = reg[src_a] + imm
011 AND And reg[dest] = reg[src_a] & reg[src_b]
100 AND_I And (immediate) reg[dest] = reg[src_a] & imm
101 OR Or reg[dest] = reg[src_a] | reg[src_b]
110 OR_I Or (immediate) reg[dest] = reg[src_a] | imm
111 STRE Store reg[dest] = imm

Instruction format

Instructions are passed using the upper 6 bits of the inputs. Depending on the opcode, the full instruction with opcode and all arguments is passed using one, two, or three 6 bit instruction words.

Word Input [7:5] Input [4:2] Input [1] Input [0]
0 opcode[2:0] src_a[2:0] rst clk
1 dest[2:0] src_b[2:0] or imm[7:5] rst clk
2 {X,imm[4:3]} imm[2:0] rst clk
Opcode Mnemonic Number of Instruction Words
000 DISP 1
001 ADD 2
010 ADD_I 3
011 AND 2
100 AND_I 3
101 OR 2
110 OR_I 3
111 STRE 3

Start input

After exiting reset, the Toy CPU looks for a start input to begin processing the instruction stream. The start input is all 1s in the 6 bit instruction word (0x3F). After sampling the start sequence, the CPU will interpret the next 6 bit instruction word as the first word in the instruction stream.

What is Tiny Tapeout?

TinyTapeout is an educational project that aims to make it easier and cheaper than ever to get your digital designs manufactured on a real chip!

Go to https://tinytapeout.com for instructions!