
Can't generate label

joaoribeirost opened this issue · 5 comments

I've added the names example in a view with the extension .pdf.prawn, it iterates all the names but it doesn't output the labels on the page! I'm feeling a little dumb not being able to make it work.

If i have this:

require 'prawn/labels'

names = ["Jordan", "Chris", "Jon", "Mike", "Kelly", "Bob", "Greg"]

Prawn::Labels.generate("list.pdf", names, :type => "Avery7160") do |pdf, name|
  puts "In"
  pdf.text name

pdf.text names.inspect

It will print "In" for each name, and generate a pdf with the Names array. However it will not generate the labels.

Hey @joaoribeirost,

I assume you are trying to generate labels in a Rails project. For that you should refer to this example in the README:

labels = Prawn::Labels.render(names, :type => "Avery5160") do |pdf, name|
  pdf.text name

send_data labels, :filename => "names.pdf", :type => "application/pdf"

That code should go in a controller method and doesn't need an associated view. Notice we are using Prawn::Labels.render here rather than Prawn::Labels.generate. Let me know if you have any questions 🐼

So if i understood correctly i don't need to call the .pdf page as usual on prawn, instead i need to call a method on a controller that will send the data, is that correct?

@joaoribeirost not sure that's exactly what I was saying. Let me try to break it down again:

Let's assume you are working in the LabelController controller and the action name you are using is called names. In this example the controller code would look like this:

class LabelController < ApplicationController
  def names
    labels = Prawn::Labels.render(names, :type => "Avery5160") do |pdf, name|
      pdf.text name

    send_data labels, :filename => "names.pdf", :type => "application/pdf"

You don't need to create any views in app/views/label. The PDF data will be sent directly from the controller. Does that help?

Yes! It helped thank you! I was having some troubles making it work.
One last question, sorry, with this method the browser just opens the download pop-up, is there a way to make it open in the browser tab or is this my browser problem?

Great! To send the PDF inline just add the :disposition => "inline" option to the send_data method:

send_data labels, :filename    => "names.pdf", 
                  :type        => "application/pdf", 
                  :disposition => "inline"

Good luck!