Please note: This project is not actively maintained, it may no longer work and may depend on out of date dependencies.
Jordan Crawford
COMP448, Semester B, 2016
Targeted for Android Lollipop and higher.
"My Wallpapers" allows users to manage their personal favourite wallpapers. It tracks how long they use a wallpaper for and shows wallpapers sorted by their most commonly used at the top
Users can share content to the app by:
- Sharing to the app from another app, e.g.: Chrome, Google Photos, Gallery
- Choosing data from other content sources on their device (varies based on apps installed, e.g.: Google Drive, Google Photos).
- Searching Flickr to download images.
Users can share content from the app by:
- Setting an image as the wallpaper.
A user can:
- Delete wallpapers (in more options menu).
- Change description (in more options menu).
- Set wallpapers.
- Search wallpapers based on their description (description pulled from Flickr or set by the user with "Change description").