
A Garry's Mod Basewars Gamemode forked from n00bmobile's Basewars gamemode. This is a personal project of mine and a experiment to see how well GPT-4 can be used to assist with iterating on a custom Gamemode. This includes: Suggesting new code and ideas, Explaining how functions are used in the gamemode and custom addons, Debugging code, ect.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

A free yet supported BaseWars gamemode.


string.MaxLen(String string, number length)
Entity:GetPrice() Player:GetFaction() > Returns the name of the player's faction and its data (Password are serverside only).
Player:CanRaid(Player victim)
Player:IsPartakingRaid() > Returns 1 if the player is raiding and 2 if he's being raided.
Player:IsRaiding(Player player) > Returns true if the player is raiding provided player.
Player:IsRaidable() > Returns true if the player is able to raid and be raided.
Player:CanAfford(number amount)
Player:GetMoney() > Returns how much money the player has.
Player:ReachesLevel(number level)
Player:GetLimitXP() > Returns how much XP the level the player is currently in requires.
Player:GetRequiredXP() > Returns how much XP the player still needs to level up.
Player:SetLevel(number level)
Player:IsAlly(Player player)
Player:InsertInFaction(String name)
BaseWars.GetRaid() > Returns global raid data, you shouldn't need to use this.
BaseWars.FindPlayer(String name) > Attempts to find a player by his name.
BaseWars.FormatMoney(number money) > Formats the number into a pretty string to be used for UI and stuff like that.
BaseWars.FindBuyable(String class) > Returns the order (index) of the category the item is in and its data, provided the entity whose class is from is sellable.
BaseWars.GetChatCommands() > Returns all chat commands.

Player:AddMoney(number amount)
Player:SpawnInFront(String class)
Player:AddXP(number amount)
BaseWars.SaveDatabase(Player player, String data) > Don't use this unless you know EXACTLY how this works. INCORRECT USAGE WILL CORRUPT SAVE DATA!
BaseWars.Notify(Player target, number type, number time, String message) > Default Garry's Mod notification.
BaseWars.AddNotification(Player target, number type, String message) -> Notification board.
BaseWars.StartRaid(Player victim, Player attacker)
BaseWars.AddChatCommand(String command, String description, function callback)
BaseWars.AddSync(String identifier, function callback) > Acts like a hook, calling the specified function everytime a player loads/reloads (I MIGHT REMOVE IT OR CHANGE ITS BEHAVIOR, BEWARE).
BaseWars.EndSync(String identifier) > Self-explanatory (I MIGHT REMOVE IT OR CHANGE ITS BEHAVIOR, BEWARE).
GM:PlayerLoaded(Player player) > Hook for when the player's game loads.

BaseWars.Notify(number type, number time, String message) > Default Garry's Mod notification, notifies the client It's being called on.
BaseWars.AddNotification(number type, String message) > Notification board, notifies the client It's being called on.
draw.Circle(number x, number y, number Radius, String texture, Color color)