
Keyname for the backtick character?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The character that you get with SHFIT + ~

antho@alto:~/alto% xdotool keydown "ctrl+BackTick"; xdotool key "XF86LogGrabInfo"; xdotoo
l keyup "ctrl"; sleep 1; xdotool keyup "BackTick"; tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log
(symbol) No such key name 'BackTick'. Ignoring it.
(symbol) No such key name 'BackTick'. Ignoring it.

antho@alto:~/alto/script% xdotool keydown "ctrl+backtick"; xdotool key "XF86LogGrabInfo"; xdotool keyup "ctrl"; sleep 1; xdotool keyup "Backtick"; tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log  
(symbol) No such key name 'backtick'. Ignoring it.
(symbol) No such key name 'Backtick'. Ignoring it.

antho@alto:~/alto/script% xdotool keydown "ctrl+Backtick"; xdotool key "XF86LogGrabInfo"; xdotool keyup "ctrl"; sleep 1; xdotool keyup "Backtick"; tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log
(symbol) No such key name 'Backtick'. Ignoring it.

asciitilde or quoteleft you need i think.
you can check "/usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h" on your system for more key names.

I find the xev program helpful for discovery of these things. It will read keystrokes when the xev window is focused and print out the event, including the key code and key symbol.

I'm not on linux/x11 right now, but if I had to guess, it'd be asciitilde or grave, maybe.

Thanks (it is grave)