
Laravle-share using

dannylank opened this issue · 5 comments

I have some troubles implementing laravel-share. I try using this code:

but I'm not sure how and where use it, if I using in controller just pass a var? or I need to use directly in view? when I use like:

<span class="post_share">{{ Share::currentPage()->facebook() }}</span>
but show this:

<div id="social-links"><ul>laravel-share::laravel-share-fa4.facebook</ul></div>
thankyou for your help

<span class="post_share">{{ Share::currentPage()->facebook() }}</span>
but show this:

@dannylank, try displaying the data unescaped...
<span class="post_share">{!! Share::currentPage()->facebook() !!}</span>

What @whoisthisstud is saying should work.

It doesn't display anything @whoisthisstud @jorenvh

This is what I have and what is working for me - "jorenvanhocht/laravel-share": "^3.2",

{!! Share::page( route('your_route_name'), 'Message Content')->twitter()->facebook()->pinterest() !!}

@whoisthisstud When I dd() this code the above code is also perfectly displaying result but when I add this code into blade file to render it on page It displays blank (no result)