
Add support to change user group, id

davidmpaz opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi thanks for this package,

I have reviewed some already and I like very much. But I have a problem that, after some debugging I think is related to permissions.

The original problem is this:

2017/10/22 07:30:01 [error] 7#7: *1 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: pinky.local, request: "GET /index.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "dev.local"

and in front end, nginx give me an error of File not found. when file is actually there.

Please notice that my setup is working for a dev environment, I want only to change images (production ready small images) to test docker-compose deployment in production. Because of this, i noticed the permission issue in my files inside containers, all of them have userid == 1000, same as for dev containers.

That's the reason why I am requesting the possibility to change userid in your container. Similar issue is this: chrootlogin/docker-nextcloud#3

thanks in advance

Hi David. I never found that problem, but the support for the user and group it's something in the roadmap.
Can you provide some steps to reproduce that in my local?


thanks for answering ... i feel silly now. Even when the initial request can be valid, I don't think that for your production images, which are the ones I was trying, you should change anything in that direction.

By trying to wrap a sample project for this issue I just noticed my mistake was in a wrong mapping of volumes, I was trying to map volumes in fpm and in nginx, after I start using volumes_from directive in nginx error is solved.

Thanks for taking time on this and sorry for wasting it ^ ^. I will close since this is not relevant anymore.


You came with good news at least. Anyway I think move to a non root in containers should be a good idea. Let's see I've time next week for this.
