
form returns a JSON response

Closed this issue · 8 comments

When I try to log in with an invalid email (like foo), I'm getting an error "Not a valid email" but the response is in JSON


Do you have any idea why the AuthenticationException isn't caught by firewall or isn't a basic HttpResponse ?

Edit: I'm trying to log via in the web form


If you look at \App\Infrastructure\User\Auth\Guard\LoginAuthenticator::getUser only InvalidCredentialsException is catched and throwed again as AuthenticationException.

Incomming data is validate by Assertion and when fail they throws InvalidArgumentException which is not catched.

Good catch, we need fix this problem.

Strange, this is covered here and there's a test for this use case:

I tried to reproduce it locally but I can't get this JSON response...

Is this a simple clone? No edits?

you looked at sign-up but problem is with sign-in 😄

🤦 That's why I shouldn't do stuff at 2AM

Fixed here 914eb0c

Close as fixed in #149
thanks for report it!

Thanks for the quick fix! :)