
ex-soap - problems with installation

oskarbarcz opened this issue · 5 comments

Hey jorge07,

I need to install ext-soap in order to install one of my dependencies. How do I do it with your image? Can you describe this in few words?

Thanks in advance,
Oskar Barcz

Hi Oscar

You'll need to add php7-soap in the Dockerfile apk add step in the dev step and the prod one. This means that there's probably room for improvement in the Dockerfile to be a bit more DRY, will give it a thought.

Okey, but I'm kinda lost there - on regular server I'd use
apt install php74-soap,
and what exactly I'm supposed to do here?

It's an alpine OS and uses apk as package manger. You can find base image and OS version here and search for the official packages you need here. Codecast repository is included in base image so you can install packages from there by simply adding @cast at the end of the package name.
Example: RUN apk add php7-soap@cast

Now it's clear, thanks a lot for your work - I didn't expected such fast response!

Added this PR as reference #204 so other people ca benefit too.