
[Question] Item instead of View

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first of all - thanks für the boilerplate. I begin to get a hang on it.

If I use the QueryBus like $this->queryBus->ask(new FindByEmailQuery($email)); the result is a Item Object with type UserView.
I can't figure out how to get the UserView out of it. I can access the array keys in the resource but I dont think this is how you should access them. What do I miss?



This use case doesn't return an Hydrated UserView but an array. You can look at the handler:

The reason is that the read model is already optimised for the purpose so there's no need to have a custom class for it so you can return literals in an associative array and skip the hydration cost.

If for your needs you need to return a UserView object, there's absolutely no need for you to return an Item but any other thing you need and convert it into openApi spec later on in the controller.