λ Gordon is a tool to create, wire and deploy AWS Lambdas using CloudFormation
- 1
Support for CORS
#56 opened by athrun - 10
Add support for SNS as Event Source
#66 opened by default50 - 3
- 3
- 0
- 12
Error building lambda 'version'!
#18 opened by rajington - 2
when using babel for es6, what's the recommended way to get node_modules into _build?
#63 opened by tombray - 3
Add Windows Support to Gordon
#47 opened by petemounce - 6
Do stages/contexts work with `gordon run`?
#29 opened by lukemelia - 4
Using reference in settings.yml policy fails
#55 opened by oseibonsu - 3
`gordon build` hanging on "Building project..."
#74 opened by lukemelia - 1
Enable more protocols for build phase
#51 opened by dmitryax - 2
Zipping large archives is very slow
#89 opened by ninjabear - 1
- 0
Gordon apply error in 0.3.0 (works in 0.2.1)
#85 opened by ValerioM - 0
- 2
Secrets management
#76 opened by dmelamedcl - 0
- 0
- 0
VCS Aware: Deploy Last Commit
#78 opened by innonagle - 1
- 4
S3 bucket cannot be ref://
#57 opened by timcosta - 3
- 6
- 0
Missing .context when running locally
#67 opened by default50 - 0
- 3
- 0
- 0
SES or direct support for CloudFormation
#58 opened by mcolyer - 1
Use existing S3 bucket for deployment
#54 opened by mnalepa - 2
- 2
- 2
Packaging binaries efficiently
#41 opened by Hendler - 3
S3 Notifications and Parameter References
#34 opened by innonagle - 7
No trigger from s3:ObjectCreated:*
#16 opened by bomatson - 6
- 3
- 4
- 0
- 2
Requirements.txt being ignored.
#36 opened by empath - 2
- 4
- 1
- 0
Installing binaries for container
#27 opened by gregpardo - 1
Lambda settings
#25 opened by xfumihiro - 1
Name of the deploy command
#23 opened by xfumihiro - 2
- 2
'RequestType': KeyError Traceback
#17 opened by christophchamp - 6
Telegram Bot Example
#9 opened by Beyondem - 3
Stages not working
#11 opened by jatsrt