
Is there a way to escape the SPA routing?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I have mutliple associated applications running on a parent domain, that will sometimes need to link to each other.

Let's say the thing lives at The Svelte app using svelte-router is on /projects, where it handles its content through nested routes – /projects/my-example-project for instance.
When I now create a Navigate or anchor element linking to /otherapp or, the SPA router can't find a configured route and shows a 404 page – instead of requesting the page from the server. While this is in itself expected behaviour, apart from setting target="_blank" I don't see a way to reliably handle this scenario.

I know there's a way to display a custom 404 page – is there a way to handle requests that would result in a 404 before routing happens and send failed root-relative URLs or URLs for the same base domain back up to the server? Anything else I've missed?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @AndreasMaros

I think that problem would be easily solved having a global prefix. That way the router will only try to resolve routes that matches the prefix. /projects in your case.

It should not be difficult to change.

I'll add it to my ToDo list.

Hi @AndreasMaros

I've created version 5.8.0 that include a prefix configuration option that should solve your problem.

Please test it and let me know how it goes.


Great, thanks! I'll take a look and post my feedback. 🙂

Sorry for the late reply, I only just got around to testing it – and it works beautifully, just as I expected.

Thank you for this magnificent tool and your lightning-fast reaction to my problem, appreciate the great work!

@AndreasMaros Thank you for your comment!