
Launching emacs in daemon mode doesn't seem to call elpy-enable

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Thanks for elpy!

I've been using elpy succesfully for quite a while now, but I have a slight annoyance I thought I'd bring up here.

I have (elpy-enable) in my init file and when I launch emacs from the terminal by "emacs" or from applications, and open a py-file, everything works as expected and I have elpy activated.

However, when I launch emacs in daemon mode, with "emacs --daemon", and then start a clent instance, with "emacsclient -c", python files open with just python-mode and the value of "python-mode-hook" is nil. I have to manually run elpy-enable, then do elpy-mode in my py-file to use elpy.

I'll appreciate any assistance in this.

EDIT: I found out that this was a problem with something else I was doing in my init file, not related to elpy, so I'm closing this here.