
Installation instructions are wrong for Debian and Ubuntu

Opened this issue · 1 comments

According to the documentation:

Users of Debian ≥10 or Ubuntu ≥18.10 can skip the instructions above this line and may simply install Elpy and all of its recommended dependencies with the following command::

sudo apt install elpa-elpy

This is no longer true, at least since Ubuntu 20.04, I believe, unless they are in some other package source that isn't enabled by default

sten0 commented

Hi @dhdaines,

Thank you for notification! I'm the Debian developer who was responsible for Elpy. Unfortunately Elpy couldn't keep up with the rate of breaking changes of upstream stable Python releases, and unfortunately I didn't (and don't) have the time to become the one responsible for keeping Elpy working upstream (here) as well as in Debian.

I forget which bug eventually forced the removal of the by-then-nonfunctional Elpy from the Debian archive; this is documented at The package would have then been removed from Ubuntu by their auto-sync-from-Debian bot.

If anyone would like to pick up the baton for the package and reintroduce it to Debian (and to Ubuntu), I'd be happy to help out at a later date :)