
CPU, RAM and GPU usage on Raspberry Pi 2

github-userx opened this issue · 1 comments

Just some interesting stats.

My raspberry pi has 256mb of GPU RAM. Right now I allocated 128mb of the 1GB ram to the gpu (you can set the RAM for the gpu on raspberry pi‘s to 32MB, 64MB, 128MB, 256MB).

using htop:


  • RAM usage: 280/870 MB
  • CPU usage: 35% - 60 %


  • RAM usage: 240/870 MB
  • CPU usage: 25%

Using a „Raspberry Pi 2“ with 1GB of RAM.

Im wondering if I should give it more or less RAM for the gpu..

The RAM usage is the regular RAM. Gpu Memory usage there aren’t many tools for it it this command gave me the following information while bugdom is running:

pi@pi:~ $ sudo /opt/vc/bin/vcdbg reloc stats

Relocatable heap version 4 found at 0x38000000
total space allocated is 108M, with 108M relocatable, 0 legacy and 0 offline
0 legacy blocks of size 2359296

small_allocs                  : 25
allocs                        : 566
alloc_fails                   : 0
legacy_block_fails            : 0
compactions                   : 0
discard_compactions           : 0
aggressive_compactions        : 0
aggressive_compaction_waits   : 0
aggressive_compaction_timeouts: 0
locks                         : 0
small_locks                   : 0

free list at 0x3ebfaf80
108M free memory in 3 free block(s)
largest free block is 100M bytes

pi@pi:~ $