
Requiring SimpleSamlAuth in LocalSettings results in blank page

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I am looking for a SAML integration for MediaWiki and stumbled upon your extension. I tried it with MW 1.26.2 (most recent) and putting the line

require_once "$IP/extensions/SimpleSamlAuth/SimpleSamlAuth.php";

into LocalSettings.php results in MW only showing blank pages afterwards.
Is this a known issue by any chance?

PHP 5.4.45
UCS 4.1-1 (based on Debian 7)

Thanks in advance!

Your server logs should tell you why. Blank page usually means an error has occurred, but the error is hidden from the user.

Alright thanks a lot for the quick answer!

I checked the logs and saw that the extension did not have enough rights on a certain file. I gave it access to that but I am still getting this error here
PHP Notice: MemcachePool::set(): Server unix:///var/run/univention-saml/memcached.socket (tcp 0, udp 0) failed with: Permission denied (13) in /usr/share/simplesamlphp/lib/SimpleSAML/Memcache.php on line 134

Do you mind specifying which permissions the extension needs on which files or which component fails here?

Thanks in advance!

The error occurred in simplesamlphp and not this extension, so there's not much I can do for you. They have good documentation at In your case it looks like you're trying to set up memcache so I suggest you read

Please be aware that this extension does not need memcache in order to function, you have enabled it yourself somehow.

Since this issue clearly isn't related to the extension, I'm closing this issue.