
cloudflare issue, already login to chatGPT but still show haven't login

Opened this issue · 6 comments

what version of chrome and the extension are you using

what version of chrome and the extension are you using

Latest one

Check Extensions - ChatGPT for Search Engine - Details - Site access, is it set to On all sites?
And is the option Allow access to file URLs enabled?

Check Extensions - ChatGPT for Search Engine - Details - Site access, is it set to On all sites? And is the option Allow access to file URLs enabled?

Yes it is. (I have the same issue)

This is very strange, I'm afraid I need a computer that can reproduce this issue, or someone to debug the source code.

@sohaiBiu99 @erfan-mehraban

Install the new extension at chrome web store:

If there are still some problems, just tell me.