
Error 'mv: cannot stat 'mvnd-0.8.1-linux-amd64/*': No such file or directory'

htr3n opened this issue · 1 comments

htr3n commented

I tried to install mvnd via asdf with the folllowing commands

asdf plugin-add mvnd
asdf install mvnd latest

but got this error instead

mv: cannot stat 'mvnd-0.8.1-linux-amd64/*': No such file or directory
asdf-mvnd error:  failed to move mvnd to /home/alext/.asdf/installs/mvnd/0.8.1

I looked into the installation code, L53:

mv "mvnd-${version}-${platform}-${architecture}"/* "$install_path" || fail "failed to move mvnd to $install_path"

should that command use ASDF_DOWNLOAD_PATH or so to ensure the path provided to mv is always correct?

htr3n commented

I made a fork and tested out on that just to notice that, the unzipped folder is maven-mvnd-${version}-${platform}-${architecture} which is downloaded from Apache site.