
Maps a light curve to a transit shape.

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION


This is a set of command-line tools that can produce synthetic transit light curves and transit videos.

The optimization tool, lc-opt, can produce transit models by fitting light curves. It can be configured using built-in methods, including an experimental neural network, or by writing code.

This software was inspired by the remarkable light curves of KIC 8462852 (or Boyajian's star.)


You must have JavaSE 1.8+ in your PATH.


JAVA_HOME should point to a JDK 1.8+ (not JRE) installation.

Every time you pull down an update, run:

./gradlew build

The bin directory should be added to your PATH.

Simulation tool

lc-sim -o <output>.csv -video <output-video>.mov <sim-spec>.json

Examples of simulation specification JSON files can be found under examples/sim.

Optimization tool

lc-opt -i <input>.csv -o <output>.csv -oi <output-image>.png <opt-spec>.json

Examples of optimization specification JSON files can be found under examples/opt.

The input CSV file must have two headers: Timestamp and Flux. Time and n_flux are also accepted. Flux values must be normalized (between 0 and 1.)

Running the examples

Scripts are provided under examples/bin that execute a number of example runs.
