
blank graph on a closed registration instance

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on my instance, the registrations are closed. so no new users, only the toots number increase.
As a result, the graph.png produced is completely blank (attached to this post)
Also, when executing, i get an error, probably du do the usercount not changing since last time :

"generate.gnuplot", line 123: Can't plot with an empty y range!


Is there a way to fix that ?
thanks :)

ok, i managed to "solve" the problem by lowering the first "usercount" value.
now i have an other problem :)
this last graph was generated :


Y axis 's top value of the toots count is way too high
it's et at 8000 for ~ 50/100 toots per hour on my instance

ok, i found way fo "fix" the autoscale for the Y axis.
after a lof of reading about gnuplot, it appears there is a bug in the version 5, which in some cases, disables the autoscale.
As we want the toots per hour, i set in ok i fixed-isg :

tootshigh = GPVAL_DATA_Y_MAX/30

(divived by 60 could too just if there is a sudden pic, 30 gives some space...)
right for me it's the only way to display the graph properly
(i'm running debian 8 with gnuplot 5.0.0~rc+dfsg2-1)

with this fix, here is the graph i get
(i also tried many other solutions with gnuplot, but no way to make it work)


I am sorry but can you please tell me what you mean with "by lowering the first 'usercount' value"?
Having the same issue here with and without open registrations. :/

Edit: nvm you mean the csv file!

yes, sorry, i mean in the csv file, of course .
since that modification the graph is ok :)

In my case, I got a black picture without any graph. (all dependencies are installed).
But the detection of user number work fine on the output.

Any idea ?


ok, i managed to "solve" the problem by lowering the first "usercount" value.

Where is it ? I have the same problem