
Call to undefined method Josegonzalez\CakeQueuesadilla\Queue\Queue::config()

tbelknapsgs opened this issue · 1 comments

Just trying to setup Queuesadilla now and there's basically two problems that I'm running into. The first is that the documentation specifically tells me to load the plugin inside of the bootstrap.php file with the following function call:


However as I'm sure you're aware, loading a plugin in this way is deprecated:

Secondly, while I loaded the plugin in the now-conventional manner in Application.php, I now get the error message when running the application that "Call to undefined method Josegonzalez\CakeQueuesadilla\Queue\Queue::config()". I loaded the plugin above the parent::bootstrap() function call, hoping that would provide the necessary injection, but it doesn't appear to do so.

So, I'm just looking for a little bump in the right direction. Thanks!

Ok. The documentation is out of date. By chance, I happened upon a better example of instantiating a Queue here: