
creature push stack

Opened this issue · 9 comments

should push last player in stack not first aswell

This is related to the uh trap, isnt it?

it act the same like it, just this is for push monster/player instead of use rune on them

Im going to check it.

i confirmed it already on realots experimental, and its reversed on nostalrius repo

can you test this?

no need for config shit and extra stuff

thing = tile->getTopVisibleCreature(player);
thing = tile->getBottomVisibleCreature(player);

const Creature* Tile::getBottomCreature() const
Creature* Tile::getBottomCreature() const

const Creature* Tile::getBottomVisibleCreature(const Creature* creature) const
Creature* Tile::getBottomVisibleCreature(const Creature* creature) const

const Creature* getBottomCreature() const;
Creature* getBottomCreature() const;

const Creature* getBottomVisibleCreature(const Creature* creature) const;
Creature* getBottomVisibleCreature(const Creature* creature) const;

works perfect for me, not sure if theres any side effects tho, mby you can list that out ;P

is there a reason why bottomCreature was a const and not topCreature?

That would require a few extra changes like luascript but yeah you can do that, I just didnt wanted to touch anything else, but your solution seems cleaner, Im going to do those changes.

btw, is it working as you want?

what luascript changes? can you post

yeah its working