
Issue 16: Calculation input method

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I think decisions need to be made about how our calculator will operate. There are several methods of calculator input to choose from. Chain calculation, infix, and postfix are some of the options. I would vote for chain calculation (the algebraic entry system) where the previously entered equation is calculated upon pressing of another operation. I think it would be the most simple to program and is the most widely understood calculator input method.

looks good to me, the task here I guess should be to build this string from key presses. Again this is blocked for now until the basic layout is made

will we have ( and ) function for example


this will be 20-20+12=12

or (4+3)(2+1) this will be 8 + 4 + 6 + 3

I think we should go for infix, infact that's what is currently implemented and that's how human read expressions

This will be closed for now, unless we decide to change input method in future since this is already resolved.