
specific categories to sitemap instead of "category:all"

sleepingwheel opened this issue · 2 comments

great work on this.

i have a suggestion & question for sitemap.

Njk template there uses "collections.all" to generate sitemap for all possible pages, like so

permalink: sitemap.xml
hidden: true
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
{%- for page in collections.all %}
{%- if not %}
        <loc>{{ site.url }}{{ page.url | url }}</loc>
        <lastmod>{{ | htmlDateDisplay }}</lastmod>
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}

One of the outputs in a resulting sitemap is
which is a collection of all possible pages - a bit of a mess for indexing.

Instead of "category all", it would be better that google indexes each category, for example


But how can i edit that njk template so that it
-captures and outputs different categories in the sitemap?
-excludes category/all
-leaves other important pages like homepage, each blog post etc

thanks again,

Yeah, I'm not sure off the top of my head. I'll have a look into this! 👍

I've managed to get rid of the from the sitemap.