
Programming puzzles for a made-up programming language

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Base32 Computer Programming Puzzles

The Base32 Computer reads and executes b32 programs. A b32 program is a string of characters made up of the characters in the standard base32 alphabet ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567. The Base32 Computer has 32 registers which it can read/write data to. Each register is identified by a character in the base32 alphabet and at the start of execution, all registers have the value 0.

The syntax for a b32 program follows the following structure:


and there can be any amount of whitespace between each character.

Each (opcode, args) pair form an instruction. Instructions are labeled by their index to be used by jump instructions. The first instruction has an index of 0 and the last instruction has an index of n-1, where n is the total number of instructions.

List of opcodes:

Opcode Instruction #Args Args Description
A Addition 3 a1 a2 a3 Stores the result of a1 + a2 in a3
S Subtraction 3 a1 a2 a3 Stores the result of a1 - a2 in a3
M Multiplication 3 a1 a2 a3 Stores the result of a1 * a2 in a3
N Logical Negation 2 a1 a2 Stores the result of not a1 in a3
X XOR 3 a1 a2 a3 Stores the result of a1 XOR a2 in a3
I Input 1 a1 Reads user input and stores it in a1
O Output (ASCII) 1 a1 Outputs a1 as an ASCII value
V Output (Value) 1 a1 Outputs a1 as an decimal value
L Less Than 3 a1 a2 a3 Stores the result of a1 < a2 in a3
E Equals 3 a1 a2 a3 Stores the result of a1 = a2 in a3
T Jump If True 2 a1 a2 Jumps to the instruction at index a2 if a1 is nonzero
F Jump If False 2 a1 a2 Jumps to the instruction at index a2 if a1 is zero
Q Quit 0 Exits the program

Example program to add two user inputted numbers and output the result: