
Discord CTF Bot

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Discord CTF Bot


  • help - displays this help screen
  • challs - displays all available challenges
  • chall <challid> - displays information about a challenge
  • submit <challid> <flag> - submits a flag for checking (this can only be used in a direct message with the bot)
  • vote <challid> <vote value> - vote on the difficulty of a challenge, on a scale from (easy) 1 to 10 (hard)
  • profile (user) - displays the profile of the specified user, or the person who issued the command if not specified
  • leaderboard - displays the global leaderboard
  • solves <challid> - displays the solvers and their time of solving for a challenge
  • notes <challid> - displays notes/resources/hints for a challenge (only use this if you're stuck!)
  • about - displays information about the bot

Submitting a challenge

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a new file in /src/challs/ with filename <challid>.js and paste the template below in:
const path = require('path')
const { getBotConfig, genChallEmbed } = require(path.join(__dirname, '../util/util'))
const { themecolour } = getBotConfig()

const description = `<description message goes here (supports basic markdown)>`

var chall = {
    challid: '<challid goes here>',
    title: '<chall title goes here>',
    category: '<chall category goes here>',
    points: 0,
    authorid: '<discord id goes here>',
    authorName: '<author display name goes here>',
    flag: '<sha256 hash of flag goes here>',
    desc: async function(msg) {

        let { challid, title, category, points, authorid, authorName, description } = chall

        var descEmbed = await genChallEmbed({
            challid, title, category, points, authorid, authorName, themecolour, description

        msg.channel.send({ embed: descEmbed })
    notes: []

module.exports = chall
  1. If your challenge doesn't require any further interactivity, you should only need to edit the challid, title, category, points, authorid, authorName, flag fields and the description message, you can also optionally add some notes,
  2. Create a pull request.