mode = text not working. Oldstyle numbers are not applied.
dflvunoooooo opened this issue · 5 comments
The option mode = text
does not work. In the below example you can see, that the oldstyle numbers don't get applied to the numbers in \num[mode = text]{…}
nor in \num[mode = match]{…}.
On the other hand the depreciated option \num[detect-all]{…}
does work.
\setmainfont{Libertinus Serif}
\num[mode = text]{1234567890}
\num[mode = text]{1234567890}
\num[mode = match]{1234567890}
doesn't reset \rmdefault
to apply old-style numbers, so siunitx
doesn't either - you can set reset-text-family = false
to leave the current family alone.
Thank you for your answer. So mode = text
does not apply the text settings? The option reset-text-family = false
does unfortunately not work.
You need both mode = text
and reset-text-family = false
, as the latter only applies in text mode.
Thank you for your answer. So
mode = text
does not apply the text settings?
It does - as standard the default roman text - \addfontfeature
doesn't change the defaults, only the current font.
I see. Thank you for explaining.