
A Swift library for loading JSON objects and arrays into Swift objects

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Harmonic - iOS

A Swift library for loading JSON objects and arrays into Swift objects

var json : Dictionary<String, AnyObject> = ["first_name" : "Josh", "last_name" : "Holtz"];

var user : UserModel = UserModel(json: json);
println("User - \(user.firstName) \(user.lastName)");


Version Changes
0.1.0 Initial release


  • Inflates models from JSON objects and arrays
  • Uses mappings to set JSON values to model attributes
    • Map primative-ish (integers, floats, booleans, strings) to attributes
    • Map JSON objects and arrays to sub-models
    • Map values with formatting functions (ex: take date as a string JSON value and format to NSDate for model)


Drop-in Classes

Clone the repository and drop in the .swift files from the "Classes" directory into your project.


The Everything Example

  1. Registers a formatter to take a string value of "yyyy-MM-dd" and transforms it to an NSDate
  2. Hardcoded sample parse JSON response
  3. Parses a single model
  4. Parses a collection of models
// Some view controller or something

// Formatter for Birthday (advanced)
HarmonicFormatter.sharedInstance.addFormatter("Birthday", formatter: HarmonicFormatterFunction(formatter:
    { (value: AnyObject) -> AnyObject in
        let dateStringFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
        dateStringFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
        dateStringFormatter.locale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: "en_US_POSIX")
        let date = dateStringFormatter.dateFromString(value as String);
        return date;
// Sample parse JSON response
var json : Dictionary<String, AnyObject> = ["first_name" : "Josh", "last_name" : "Holtz",
    "best_friend" : ["first_name" : "Bandit", "last_name" : "The Cat"],
    "friends" : [ ["first_name" : "Red Ranger"], ["first_name" : "Green Ranger"] ],
    "birthday" : "1989-03-01"

// Single model
var user : UserModel = UserModel(json: json);
println("User - \(user.firstName) \(user.lastName) \(user.birthday)")
println("\tBest Friend - \(user.bestFriend?.firstName) \(user.bestFriend?.lastName)")
for (friend) in user.friends {
    println("\tFriend - \(friend.firstName)")
// Prints:  User - Optional("Josh") Optional("Holtz") Optional(1989-03-01 06:00:00 +0000)
//            Best Friend - Optional("Bandit") Optional("The Cat")
//            Friend - Optional("Red Ranger")
//            Friend - Optional("Green Ranger")
// Note: Names print with "Optional" wrapper because that is how I defined my UserModel variables

// Collection of models
var users = HarmonicModelCollection<UserModel>.inflate([json]);
var userInUsers = users[0];
println("User in users - \(userInUsers.firstName) \(userInUsers.lastName) \(userInUsers.birthday)");
println("\tBest Friend - \(userInUsers.bestFriend?.firstName) \(userInUsers.bestFriend?.lastName)")
for (friend) in user.friends {
    println("\tFriend - \(friend.firstName)")
// Prints:  User in users - Optional("Josh") Optional("Holtz") Optional(1989-03-01 06:00:00 +0000)
//            Best Friend - Optional("Bandit") Optional("The Cat")
//            Friend - Optional("Red Ranger")
//            Friend - Optional("Green Ranger")
// Note: Names print with "Optional" wrapper because that is how I defined my UserModel variables
// UserModel.swift
class UserModel: HarmonicModel {
    var firstName : String?;
    var lastName : String?;
    var bestFriend : UserModel?;
    var friends : Array<UserModel>?;
    var birthday : NSDate?;
    // Mapping function used to map JSON keys to HarmonicModel variables
    override func keysToVariables() -> Dictionary<String, String> {
        return [
            "first_name" : "firstName",
            "last_name" : "lastName",
            "middle_name" : "midName",
            "best_friend" : "UserModel.bestFriend", // Inflates a UserModel from 'bestFriend' JSON Key to 'bestFriend' variable
            "friends" : "UserModel.friends", // Inflates an array UserModel from 'friends' JSON Key to 'friends' variable
            "birthday" : "Birthday:birthday" // Formats 'birthday' JSON Key to 'birthday' variable with 'Birthday' formatter


Josh Holtz, me@joshholtz.com, @joshdholtz


Harmonic is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.