Thingiverse command line tool

Manages your Things from! Find things and back them up to your computer.

For more info run thing help.


Download the pre-compiled binary from the Releases page. Move the binary to somewhere on your $PATH like /usr/local/bin to run it as thing, otherwise run it as ./thing.

To configure providing authentication via the --token flag, create a .thingrc in your $HOME directory or in the same directory as the binary.


token: <your-bearer-token>

Get a token by creating a Desktop app at and using the readonly app token.


Get Things by search result, in Markdown format

thing search plant | xargs thing get -f md

Get Things by username, in Markdown format

thing user joshc -f md

Get a Thing by its id

thing get 3786462

Dev workflow


  1. Install Go if you don't have it.
  2. Make sure this directory is placed under $GOPATH/src/

To build the binary, run make.