LinAlgError for large Single run
JStMorgan opened this issue · 1 comments
JStMorgan commented
Hello Josh,
I've been using TransitFit for a combined WASP-43b data set (26 of our epochs and 16 optical spectrographic), using the Single LD fitting mode for a total of 152 parameters to be retrieved. At some point in the run, it failed with the following error message:
LinAlgError: 152-th leading minor of the array is not positive definite
From my brief reading on this, it seems to be an error in the covariance matrix, with a value becoming negative which shouldn't be. I still have the full error output in Spyder - will you be around on Monday to check it out?
Many thanks,
joshjchayes commented
This issue was due to a bug in dynesty. To my knowledge this is now fixed.