
Shareable links

Closed this issue · 6 comments

The people want to send a link to their game's optimlol via in-game chat

Parse chat log button hrefs to page with query string (eg Not sure what to do in typing case.

!!!! this is an awesome awesome awesome idea!!! thanks @cardona150

So, the code for this is pretty much complete but I really don't like how long the url looking into signing up for bitly but that's going to involve buying another domain :( might use long urls for the time being

We now have shareable links. Thanks again for this suggestion and please let me know what you think about the feature.

When I open a link someone gave me it opens in the region set in my cookies, not necessarily the one they intend me to see. This will only affect players who play in various regions (I last used the site @ LAN and my friend just sent me an "NA" link and there were no results found). Must be passed via link as well (,,

The region should already be passed through the link, I handled this. I'll
check it out laster today.

On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 12:33 AM, cardona150

When I open a link someone gave me it opens in the region set in my
cookies, not necessarily the one they intend me to see. This will only
affect players who play in various regions (I last used the site @ LAN and
my friend just sent me an "NA" link and there were no results found). Must
be passed via link as well (,,

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