RSVP.js provides simple tools for organizing asynchronous code.
Specifically, it is a tiny implementation of Promises/A+ and a mixin for turning objects into event targets.
It works in node and the browser.
is an implementation of
Promises/A+ that passes the
test suite.
It delivers all promises asynchronously, even if the value is already available, to help you write consistent code that doesn't change if the underlying data provider changes from synchronous to asynchronous.
It is compatible with TaskJS, a library by Dave Herman of Mozilla that uses ES6 generators to allow you to write synchronous code with promises. It currently works in Firefox, and will work in any browser that adds support for ES6 generators. See the section below on TaskJS for more information.
var promise = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
// succeed
// or reject
promise.then(function(value) {
// success
}, function(value) {
// failure
Once a promise has been resolved or rejected, it cannot be resolved or rejected again.
Here is an example of a simple XHR2 wrapper written using RSVP.js:
var getJSON = function(url) {
var promise = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
var client = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url);
client.onreadystatechange = handler;
client.responseType = "json";
client.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
function handler() {
if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
if (this.status === 200) { resolve(this.response); }
else { reject(this); }
return promise;
getJSON("/posts.json").then(function(json) {
// continue
}, function(error) {
// handle errors
One of the really awesome features of Promises/A+ promises are that they can be chained together. In other words, the return value of the first resolve handler will be passed to the second resolve handler.
If you return a regular value, it will be passed, as is, to the next handler.
getJSON("/posts.json").then(function(json) {
}).then(function(post) {
// proceed
The really awesome part comes when you return a promise from the first handler:
getJSON("/post/1.json").then(function(post) {
// save off post
return getJSON(post.commentURL);
}).then(function(comments) {
// proceed with access to posts and comments
This allows you to flatten out nested callbacks, and is the main feature of promises that prevents "rightward drift" in programs with a lot of asynchronous code.
Errors also propagate:
getJSON("/posts.json").then(function(posts) {
}).then(null, function(error) {
// since no rejection handler was passed to the
// first `.then`, the error propagates.
You can use this to emulate try/catch
logic in synchronous code.
Simply chain as many resolve callbacks as a you want, and add a failure
handler at the end to catch errors.
getJSON("/post/1.json").then(function(post) {
return getJSON(post.commentURL);
}).then(function(comments) {
// proceed with access to posts and comments
}).then(null, function(error) {
// handle errors in either of the two requests
You can also use fail
for error handling, which is a shortcut for
then(null, rejection)
, like so:
getJSON("/post/1.json").then(function(post) {
return getJSON(post.commentURL);
}).fail(function(error) {
// handle errors
There are times when dealing with promises that it seems like any errors
are being 'swallowed', and not properly raised. This makes is extremely
difficult to track down where a given issue is coming from. Thankfully,
has a solution for this problem built in.
You can provide an onerror
function that will be called with the error
details if any errors occur within your promise. This function can be anything
but a common practice is to call console.assert
to dump the error to the
RSVP.configure('onerror', function(error) {
console.assert(false, error);
Sometimes you might want to work with many promises at once. If you
pass an array of promises to the all()
method it will return a new
promise that will be fulfilled when all of the promises in the array
have been fulfilled; or rejected immediately if any promise in the array
is rejected.
var postIds = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13];
var promises = [];
for(var i = 0; i < postIds.length; i++) {
promises.push(getJSON("/post/" + postIds[i] + ".json"));
RSVP.all(promises).then(function(posts) {
// posts contains an array of results for the given promises
If you need to reference many proises at once (like all()
), but would like
to avoid encoding the actual promise order you can use hash()
. If you pass
an object literal (where the values are promises) to the hash()
method it will
return a new promise that will be fulfilled when all of the promises have been
fulfilled; or rejected immediately if any promise is rejected.
The key difference to the all()
function is that both the fulfillment value
and the argument to the hash()
function are object literals. This allows
you to simply reference the results directly off the returned object without
having to remember the initial order like you would with all()
var promises = {
posts: getJSON("/posts.json"),
users: getJSON("/users.json")
RSVP.hash(promises).then(function(results) {
console.log(results.users) // print the users.json results
console.log(results.posts) // print the posts.json results
The TaskJS library makes it possible to take promises-oriented code and make it synchronous using ES6 generators.
Let's review an earlier example:
getJSON("/post/1.json").then(function(post) {
return getJSON(post.commentURL);
}).then(function(comments) {
// proceed with access to posts and comments
}).then(null, function(error) {
// handle errors in either of the two requests
Without any changes to the implementation of getJSON
, you could write
the following code with TaskJS:
spawn(function *() {
try {
var post = yield getJSON("/post/1.json");
var comments = yield getJSON(post.commentURL);
} catch(error) {
// handle errors
In the above example, function *
is new syntax in ES6 for
Inside a generator, yield
pauses the generator, returning control to
the function that invoked the generator. In this case, the invoker is a
special function that understands the semantics of Promises/A, and will
automatically resume the generator as soon as the promise is resolved.
The cool thing here is the same promises that work with current
JavaScript using .then
will work seamlessly with TaskJS once a browser
has implemented it!
RSVP also provides a mixin that you can use to convert any object into
an event target. The promises implementation uses RSVP.EventTarget
, so
exposes it for your own use.
The basic usage of RSVP.EventTarget
is to mix it into an object, then
use on
and trigger
to register listeners and trigger them.
var object = {};
object.on("finished", function(event) {
// handle event
object.trigger("finished", { detail: value });
You can mix RSVP.EventTarget
into a prototype and it will work as
var Person = function() {};
var yehuda = new Person();
var tom = new Person();
yehuda.on("poke", function(event) {
console.log("Yehuda says OW");
tom.on("poke", function(event) {
console.log("Tom says OW");
The example will work as expected. If you mix RSVP.EventTarget
into a
constructor's prototype, each instance of that constructor will get its
own callbacks.
This package uses the grunt-microlib package for building.
Custom tasks:
grunt test
- Run Mocha tests through Node and PhantomJS.grunt test:phantom
- Run Mocha tests through PhantomJS (browser build).grunt test:node
- Run Mocha tests through Node (CommonJS build).