
How to deal with namespaces?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

It is unclear to me how to create Xml with namespaces.
For example:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""> <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <IndienenBerichtResponse xmlns=""> <IndienenBerichtResult> <ConversatieId xmlns="">fc6d5c90-5630-4270-aba2-bc1be7936502</ConversatieId> <TraceerId xmlns="">fc6d5c90-5630-4270-aba2-bc1be7936502</TraceerId> </IndienenBerichtResult> </IndienenBerichtResponse> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>

How to add s as a namespace using generate?

One approach, hard-coding the prefix - is

iex(1)> XmlBuilder.generate({:"s:Envelope", [{:"xmlns:s", ""}], []})

"<s:Envelope xmlns:s=\"\"/>"

That's what I did, and it works nicely, I just thought I missed some option or something.
So if this is the way, then I will do it as such.
Thx for the reply.

@eddy147 the solution @devstopfix mentioned is correct.

I've updated the README to include an example.

Thx for the update in the README.