
More popular and simple way to build command-line tools.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


More popular and simple way to build command-line tools.


  • Small size package. (full command-line project == 7kb)

  • Elegant command support and params support.

  • Very few dependencies, run faster.

  • Excellent module design, not burden of thinking.

  • Full template support, developable at one command.


func provide some annotations for create command line tools, it makes your code more semantic than ever, and easy to maintain.

Quick Start (Recommended, npm version > 6.1.0)

Jsut run npm init func to create func project.

  1. npm init func: create project

  2. npm i: install deps.

  3. npm start: setup link and development ready.

It's all.


You can choose to configure the project manually, if you are an experienced developer.

  1. Install: npm i func.

  2. Your tsconfig.json should contain these items:

"compilerOptions": {
  "experimentalDecorators": true,
  "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,

Quick start:

import { Container, Command } from 'func'

  name: 'test',
export class Test {
  constructor() { console.log('ok') }

new Container([Init])



Entry to all modules, there must be one.

// app.ts
import { Container, Command } from 'func'
import { Create } from './cretae'
import { Build } from './build'

new Container([Create, Build])

Command (<NAME> command)

Implement a command, class are triggered when a command is called.

// ./cretae.ts
// called by `<NAME> create` 
import { Command } from 'func'

  name: 'create',
export class Create {
  constructor() { console.log('create trigger') }

Option (<NAME> --option)

Implement a global option.

// ./option.ts
// called by `<NAME> --help` 
import { Option } from 'func'

  name: 'help',
export class Help {

SubOptions (<NAME> command --suboption)

Add options based on a command.

// ./cretae.ts
// called by `<NAME> create` or `<NAME> create --force` 
import { Command, SubOptions } from 'func'

  name: 'create',
@SubOptions([{ name: 'force' }])
export class Create {

Major (<NAME>)

Trigger without Command and Option.

// ./main.ts
// called by `<NAME>`
import { CommandMajor } from 'func'

export class Main {

NotFound (<NAME> <ANY>)

Trigger when no commands are found

// ./not-found.ts
import { CommandNotFound } from 'func'

export class NotFound {
  constructor() { console.log('not found any commands!') }

Command Arguments

Provide arguments in commands

// called by `<NAME> create --force` 
import { Command, CommandArgsProvider } from 'func'

@Command({ name: 'create' })
@SubOptions([{ name: 'force' }])
export class Create {
    private arg: CommandArgsProvider,
  ) {
    console.log(arg.inputs)     // ['name', 'create']
    console.log(arg.option)     // { force: true }
    console.log(arg.native)     // original parse infos

Option Arguments

Provide arguments in options

// called by `<NAME> --project my_project` 
import { Option, OptionArgsProvider } from 'func'

@Option({ name: 'project', type: String })
export class Project {
    private arg: OptionArgsProvider,
  ) {
    console.log(arg.project)      // 'my_project'

Register Arguments

Provide all registers in any class.

import { Option, RegisterProvider } from 'func'

@Option({ name: 'help' })
export class MyHelp {
    private arg: RegisterProvider,
  ) {
    console.log(arg.commands)         // all commmands
    console.log(arg.options)         // all options

Decorators Reference


Signature Param structure Description
@Command(params: CommandParams) CommandParams = { name: string, description?: string } create a command
@Option(params: OptionParams) OptionParams = { name: string, type?: OptionType, description?: string, alias?: string } create an option
@SubOptions(params: Array<OptionParams>) ditto create a suboption, usually used after Command
@CommandNotFound() - create a method to capture undeclared commands
@CommandMajor() - major command

Arguments Type

Signature Description
CommandArgsProvider provide infos about the current command
OptionArgsProvider provide infos about the current option
RegisterProvider provide all registered metadata



Thanks to Shannon Moeller for donating the pkgname "func" on npm!