

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Thanks for putting out this project, and I had a great deal of interest in trying it out, but I found it challenging to get off the ground. Do you think it'd be possible to include a README so we can clone the project and get going? I tried following along the blog post, but couldn't really without first getting the repo cloned, but now I'm unable to build or deploy it as it crashes for me.

Hey! I've been meaning to keep this repo updated but have forgotten. Will update now.

Hi again, please feel free to try building/deploying again - I have added some install instructions as well as updated the dependencies.

As a sidenote for anyone else who is having trouble with this: try updating the Shuttle-related dependencies to the current version (v0.32.0 at the current time of writing) and make sure your cargo-shuttle version is also at v0.32.0 - if you're experiencing any other issues past this, please feel free to let me know and I'll try to help you debug it.

Screenshot 2023-11-14 at 8 34 08 PM

Very helpful, thank you so much!